M2M And Satellite Tracking

Machine to Machine (M2M) refers to technologies that allow both wireless and wired systems to communicate with other devices of the same type. M2M is a broad term as it does not pinpoint specific wireless or wired networking, information and communications technology. This broad term is particularly used by business executives. M2M is considered an integral part of the Internet of Things (IoT) and brings several benefits to industry and business in general as it has a wide range of applications such as industrial automation, logistics, Smart Grid, Smart Cities, health, defense etc. mostly for monitoring but also for control purposes.

ICASAT M2M solutions mainly consists of Inmarsat and Iridium products with heavy focus on IDP solutions of Inmarsat. this M2M devices are a complete product for a variety of Tracking and M2M telemetry solutions. here there is a typical M2M network structure of ICASAT.


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